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A child of the Spirit World...

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As I betray my age with the diary page to the left, I'm happy to share.

I moved back to the Greater Boston area in 2014, after 33 years in Los Angeles. While I made some amazing friends on the West Coast, it was time I returned to my roots.

I missed the history unique to New England, and the notably calmer lifestyle.


When I got back, I discovered that my brother had kept my mother's old diaries in a bin securely tucked away in the attic. It was enlightening, to say the least, to spend time reading her thoughts. Mostly, they were light musings; daily activities, who was sick, injured, or who visited. While memories abounded, I was thrilled to find this page, which shed light on so many thoughts I'd had throughout my entire life.


I knew I had been seeing spirits from an early age but didn't have a clear picture of exactly how young I was when it all started. I remembered stories my mother shared with me about odd happenings; one particular was when I spoke another language while asleep - something "Slavic" she said. She called in my oldest brother as a witness. They said it was unlike anything they'd ever heard of before, and I was so little I was barely speaking English.

As I read the diary entry, hearing my mom refer to me as Judy made me smile. Jude came a little later. The entry was on March 1, 1962. She talks about the nothing of the day, and how my brother, Mark, and I are no trouble. We were born barely 16 months apart and she used to say it was like having twins. By this date, I was just under 3 and a half years old. She wrote how I would talk a blue streak about ghosts and such. (And how bossy I was.)

Emotions ran wild as I thumbed through the diaries. Every thought, every memory that had tumbled around in my mind without an origin or reason suddenly fell into place. I now knew what I had always known... THEY were real. I clearly remember them, what they looked like, what they would say. I remember the nuances of their voices, and mostly I remember how comfortable and safe they made me feel.

Over the decades, I've developed a special relationship to the alternative dimension we know as, “the other side.” After so many years, I hold an innately intuitive understanding of what the departed are trying to tell us. They guide us through life, through the various changes, and challenges we face every day. They're always trying to reach us, if we only take the time to listen.

“Now I know what a ghost is.

Unfinished business, that's what.”
Salman Rushdie, The Satanic Verses

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